Term Start Half term start Half term end Term End
Autumn 02/09/2024 28/10/2024 01/11/2024 20/12/2024
Spring 06/01/2025 24/02/2025 28/02/2025 11/04/2025
Summer 28/04/2025 26/05/2025 30/05/2025 21/07/2025​​​
Term Dates
​​*School term dates are set by the Welsh Government. Usually each year schools sets five INSET training days. However, WG are allowing six INSET training days until 2025.
These are often, but not always, attached to the start or end of a half term. INSET dates will be notified near the start of each school year according to training needs. ​
INSET Dates 2024 2025
Monday 2nd September
Friday 25th October
Monday 4th November
Friday 7th March
Friday 27th June
Monday 21st July